Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Fireworks are a Family Affair

August 6th, 2010 - Summer, in Japan is a time for fireworks (as I've mentioned before). And coming from Australia, where fireworks are typically not a home-based experience, we made the most of it. L-kun loved them... and was always wanting to go out to light a few more of an evening.

I guess that whilst fireworks are synonymous with summer, family is just as important a connection. There may be a good many years, and a great many kilometres separating them most of the year; but it's great to see Okaasan and L-kun sharing these important moments of Japanese family culture together.

Of course, always take care when using fireworks.... but enjoy them while you can!

1 comment:

  1. Fireworks are summer in Japan for me and I remember great times by the river having a lot of fun. My little one loves them as well especially the sparklers. Care must be taken when playing with fireworks and kids should have an adult present at all times.

    Japan Australia
